Hope your May is going really great! π We’re certainly enjoying it! Autumn is certainly making its presence felt, after a long late summer. Local folklore suggests that we should get our first frost around Anzac Day but it’s going to be a bit late this year.
After spring, autumn is the most popular time for farm babies to arrive. Lily our Illawarra milk cow produced a very handsome bull calf this week. His name is Jono, after a friend who visited when we needed a name. Hopefully he’ll (the calf) be a big strong working bullock one day. It’s hard to imagine they go from this cute bundle to a 1,000kg lump of horn and muscle.
Our first autumn lamb has been born. It’s very mobile – below is an action shot.
Chickens and Eggs
We have an abundance of eggs atm. Due to this we filled the incubator three weeks ago… many baby chickens are now available to buy this week as “day olds”. They are $11 each.
If any are left, they’ll also be available in a couple of weeks’ time when they are a bit older and tougher, (but less cute).
Contact us if you would like more information and/or if you would like to purchase.
Feel free to also spread the word π
Also if you happen to be passing by and need eggs, we’ve got plenty π
Side note: The Gleneden flock is the result of crossing heritage breed Brown Leghorn and Plymouth Rock roosters with commercial Black Australorpe and Rhode Island Red layer hens. The result is a robust, productive and attractively diverse flock of outdoor hens, and delicious table roosters with flavour and texture.
Few Updates to our Website:
We’ve been updating some of the pages within our website lately:
- Pioneer School Excursions
- Bus & Coach Group Demonstrations
- Farm Camping – for several years we have been offering a variety of campsites. You can now book them online.
Heaps of other things have been happening at our farm too. If you would like to read more, click here to view our April eNewsletter.
Thanks heaps for reading this blog post. We’ll post again very soon π