Our Farm

Gleneden Farm is a naturally, ethically and regeneratively managed, small scale, mixed organic farm nestled in a small valley near Cunningham’s Gap, just 1.5hrs drive west of Brisbane. Gleneden is owned and run by our family –  the Morrises – Rohan, Fiona, Eden and Jethro.

In 2016, with the financial support of like-minded family we purchased “The Falls”, a rundown but beautiful 250ha ex-dairy farm. It was perfect for what we wanted to do – to restore the function and beauty of the natural landscape using natural (organic), ethical and regenerative farming techniques, open our farm for others to learn from and enjoy, and produce delicious and nutritious food for our family and our community. In memory of Rohan’s family farm we renamed our new farm “Gleneden”.

At Gleneden, we combine old fashioned farming traditions, values and homesteading crafts, with new and innovative natural, ethical and regenerative farming techniques. Our farming decisions are based on our holistic management plan – to live a contented life, connected to the land we love and manage in a way that cares for the land, our community and our family. All our animals are pastured, living free range in the paddock and are moved regularly for optimal health and to reduce overgrazing. Why do we choose to manage our farm ethically? Because providing healthy food in a regenerative way for our community feels like the right thing to do.

We believe that a farm should be a safe, welcoming and beautiful place. Full of happy and healthy animals, plants and humans! Our farm is open daily by appointment for producetours and camping. We also host volunteers and interns in the hope of learning from and inspiring others on the regenerative food and farming journey.

We would like to acknowledge the local Githabul people as the first nation to care for this country and pay our respects to Elders past and present. We are just the current caretakers of this small piece of paradise and with your support hope to leave it in better condition for generations to come.

Camping and Farm Tours can be booked directly by contacting us via our contact us page or by calling (07) 4666 1273

Some of our bullock team bullocks

Photo of part of the creek that runs through our farm

Baby lambs

Campers camping at Gleneden Farm


An example of one of our meat packs

Fiona Morris

Natural /ˈnatʃ(ə)r(ə)l/ adj

Existing in or derived from nature; having had a minimum of processing or preservative treatment; In accordance with the nature of, or circumstances surrounding, someone or something. Oxford English Dictionary.

Ethical /ˈɛθɪk(ə)l/adj

Relating to moral principles or the branch of knowledge dealing with these; Morally good or correct; Avoiding activities or organizations that do harm to people or the environment. Oxford English Dictionary.


Regenerative /rɪˈdʒɛn(ə)rətɪv/adj

Tending to or characterised by regeneration. Oxford English Dictionary.

Regenerative Farming

Regenerative Agriculture combines old (pre-industrial) traditions used in sustainable farming communities for centuries with modern scientific and applied understanding of organic farming, ethical animal husbandry, agro-ecology, permaculture, holistic management and agro-foresty. It’s  a way of farming that uses techniques that mimic natural systems, protect natural areas and improve the health of the landscape  so it can be managed sustainably. In Australia, modern conventional agriculture has degraded significant areas of farmland and being sustainable (meaning to sustain in its current degraded condition) is no longer enough to maintain healthy ecosystems. It’s about farming for the long-term for the benefit of everyone rather than short term financial gain. 

At Gleneden we use regenerative farming techniques to increase biodiversity, enrich soil health, increase carbon sequestration, improve waterway condition and quality and enhance ecosystem services on which we all depend for clean air, water and food. Regenerative farming also increases farm productivity, resilience to climate change and produces more nutritious and delicious food.

Over time, smaller more productive regenerative farms and farm families, increases the viability and resilience of our dying local rural communities.

These are some of the regenerative farming techniques we use at Gleneden:

  • Holistic management
  • Natural sequence farming
  • Rotational grazing (for all species)
  • Organic farming
  • Perennial native and planted pastures (rather than yearly annual monoculture cropping)
  • No-till farming and direct seeding
  • Multi species pasture cropping
  • Solar water pumping
  • Electric fencing (Wildlife friendly)
  • Heritage breeds and seeds
  • Composting
  • Diversity of animal types
  • Re-vegetation and fencing of sensitive waterways
  • Planting and maintaining native vegetation corridors
  • Maintaining over 30% native forest cover

If you would like more information about our farming methods please contact us or better yet come and have a look! Our gate is always open for inspections when we are home but please book ahead to avoid disappointment. And don’t forget your gumboots!

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Frequently Asked Questions

These are just some of the questions we are often asked. For more check our other pages which have more FAQ’s relevant to those areas eg. camping. If you haven’t found the answer to your question we’d be more than happy to answer it via email morrises@glenedenfamilyfarm or phone (07) 466 1273.

Are you certified organic?

Gleneden Farm is Certified Naturally Farmed (Granite Belt) which is an internationally recognised Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) under the IFOAM – Organics International standard. More details about what a PGS is can be found at www.ifoam.org/about/ifoam/standards.pgs.html.


CNF Granite belt is a PGS group based in Stanthorpe that have adopted the Australian Organic Standard for inputs and practices with record keeping and forms taken from CNF Capricornia Coast Group (www.certifiednaturallyfarmed.org.au). Farm audits are carried out yearly by the group and an invited independent auditor. All results and records are available for public scrutiny.  Gleneden has chosen to be part of a CNF for its supportive networking and mentoring rather than purely for a marketing tool.



What does pastured mean?

Pastured means the animals are raised outdoors, on open fields, with plenty of space to graze and live as natural a life as possible. They are moved regularly to fresh pasture so that the land is never over-grazed. We use mobile shelters and solar electric fencing so that the animals can be protected from the elements and predators but they are never confined indoors. Our pigs and chickens enjoy access to grazing as well as the chemical free feed they require (omnivores eat meat). The rich mix of grasses, bugs, roots and other goodies they find also makes their meat rich tasting and delicious without the sickly insipid  taste modern confined pork has.

How do I buy your produce?

Our produce is available by either joining the Gleneden Farm Community CSA (box subsciption) or by visiting our Farm Shop. To find out more please visit this page of our website.

Do you have volunteers or offer Internships?

Yes we do offer Internships. To find out more please visit this page of our website.

Contact Us

To find out more about us feel free to follow us on Facebook or read our blog. For all bookings and/or meat purchasing enquiries please phone us on (07) 4666 1273 or send us an enquiry via our contact us page.

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